Based on chinese medicine. Pressure points on the feet and hands which relate to areas of the body. Great success with knees, elbow, shoulders, liver, neck, back, etc. A clinic, mobile or corporate treatment.
Assessing how our "10 Sytems Functions" in our body are working. A nutritional plan is developed to enhance how your body is functioning increase well being and health.
Yoga classes, private, small groups, classes, corporate. Classes for relaxation, building strength or rehabilation. A practice of therapeutic, restorative, gentle, basic or strength building yoga.
Yoga Classes $60.00 (30 min)
30 or 60 minutes classes, public, private or corporate classes. Minimum two 30 minute sessions booked time is 60 minutes.
Reflexology a 15 minutes onsite treatment minimum 4 clients
Yoga Classes Lunch Time Workshops or Health Shows
Nutrition at Lunch'n Learns Inner Office Information Sessions or a Onsite Health Assessments
Corporate Wellness $call
Reflexology a 15 minutes onsite treatment minimum 4 clients
Yoga Classes Lunch Time Workshops or Health Shows
Nutrition at Lunch'n Learns Inner Office Information Sessions or a Onsite Health Asses...